I would like to thank the Academy.......

A little something for our Miss Elisha

Elisha Fadhilah binti Khalid @ Princess @ Adik; was born on September 4th, 1989 at 3.30pm on a Tuesday in Alor Setar, Kedah.

Mama said : My naughty princess. Mischievious smart kid. Lazy. Has a mind of her own. Now a sensitive young lady. Talented in every which way. Suddenly growing and maturing too fast for my pace. Mama also thinks that she is acting the way she is right now; GILA; because when she was much younger, she ate the kepala mancis and also dragonfly! The juices from a single match and an insect made her grow even smarter.

Daddy said : Elisha....Smart dreamy girl. With strong opinion and strong external character yet emotional and soft-hearted. Quite reckless and forgetful at times. She loves to sing and a natural entertainer. Amusing to talk to and quite secretive. Hard to predict her behavior...

Eleena said : She's "ayte", caring, playful, funny, nice, pretty, sweet, a good sister. She is hot and has a nice body. She is fun but boring when she hides something that I want to butt in. I guess she is protective. She is cute. Loves to dance and a very good singer too. Talkative.

Aie said : I forgot all my problems when I'm with her. I gain happiness. And she is IRRITATING. Sometimes =)

Hanisah said : Rebellious and hot tempered yet still lovable.

Imran said : Dark. Short. Long Hair. Ganas.

Gustav Hendil-Forssell said : Your sister is bright, charming, kind and a good hearted person who helped a total stranger to get her sister's phone number. (Fiza is flattered of course! Heheh)

Julyana said : She is outspoken and open minded. Speaks her mind and does things without GREAT amount of confidence. She doesnt care what people think, which is cool. She's rasional. Very neutral. Not some bias friend.
Nasya said : Meastro yet bouncy
Mars said : Elisha? Silly. Crazy. Fun. Smart. A little aloof.
Opu said : Elisha is sweet, demure, kind, polite, considerate, patient and loves playing with barbie dolls. Haha..Just kidding. Elisha is everything else. You get the picture. But I love Elisha all the same.
Yasser said : She's friendly, crazy and funny. (That took him 2 freaking hours to think!! Urgh)

*** Happy Birthday to our dearest Elisha***

i appreciate this so much abg fiz!! love you so much! and i thank those who describe me with words i myself cant decribe me! you are so kind!

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