A Snip Of the Hair!

* A pocahontas dream *

Being the person i am dulu kecik kecik suke sgt tengok pocahontas and i had dreams of getting hair like that... u know if time the wind blows it flows gak macam water... but thats cartoon!

my dream hair

and so nak jadikan cerite lagi dramatic, i had short hair and tak reti jage... i had like quite long hair time darjah satu but mama decided that she has no longer time to tie it up every mor
ning kene la potong boycut.. and luckily, it was before the hormones kick in and puberty so my hair wasnt kembang mcm singa.. ngeh ngeh..

but darjah 3 i had this idea of cutting all my fringe off because theres this one movie the women all ikat the fringe along with the back hair sebab fringe panjang... my idiocy shone even at an early age.. *sigh*.. but then someone told me the idea of letting it panjang and time tu gak all hell break lose sebab my hair started to go wild.. my fringe was hideous.. malu nak bercerita!

then during my kys years i had mostly shoulder length hair and i grew it till after bahu at form three.. longer maybe.. maybe some of myfrens ingat.. maybe tak.. then, dengan bodohnye pegi potong.... below the ears,, y? because i saw my pic while i was in states... liked my hair..but little did i know about the dry weather that prevents the kembangness... remember monica in frens? when she had that bad hair in the tropical islands? hahah.. funny funny... well back to the cut: the bad part wasnt that.. i came back and kak nisaa (kak mars punye 9903 ) terus tanye nape potong.. aarrgghhh... i thot i was happy but..hehehe.. evaluation is good ryt? and so elisha had to sleep with a SERKUP on everynyt so that the hair doesnt run amok! serkup? who was i kidding.. pakai tudung pun tak. hehe..

*for those who doesnt know what a serkup is, it is anak tudung worn by female muslims to keep the hair from falling off.. u know? its like a white version of a snowcap....

then comes the golden times about three years since form four i had my pocahontas hair.. teehee.. loved it to pieces.. tak jage sgt but i had those curls which gave me the opportunity to savour the compliments i get.. hee hee...

* In the toilet.... COuldnt resist! love the waves...

*i joked about cutting it this short during my times of long hsir... u know.. u tend to wants things that u dont possess.. humans.. sheessshhh.. jadi kambing elok *

But now, i have decided that keeping in mcm perempuan melayu terakhir bak kate mama ku.. is boring.. so ive again decided to cut it short so that i wud
again have the excitement of growing it back to pocahontas length... how bout that? Don't biliv me? please do..ive convince everyone............

* Dream snipped to a mission *

* The Outcome *
* The Package.. teehee *


However, with technology and beauty hair products, i managed to pull it off once again! hah!

* Telengkan sedikit kepala kamu itu *

3 Response to "A Snip Of the Hair!"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    5:20 PM

    i love the new look!!! i wish i can have short hair..

  2. Anonymous Says:
    8:01 PM

    eli!!! love the hair....

  3. Fiza Khalid says:
    8:54 PM

    Eh eh.. Why the hell do u have Abelia commenting on ur entry??? *growls*