Point of Focus

To some of you who knows the existence of a rather mundane life that is me, would already know by now that I have problems with my glasses for quite sometime. In the midst of my exam preparation, my beloved specs decided to 'loosen up' and hang around at the tip of my nose every time I even move. Yes, I know this is mostly my fault. I dont take the off properly, i dont put them on properly, I sleep with it, I sit on it, I lie on top of it, I throw it around like a rag doll, i squash it together with my toiletteries in my tote bag and the list goes on and on and on...

Fine, I'm sorry!! It has been bugging me and giving me intermittent headaches with the focusing and defocussing which is bloody frustrating. However, I have managed to temporarily fixed that problem. BEHOLD!!! (below)

See what I did there?! My previous specs was a really good brand, thus the amount of money that was spent on it should at least get me some extra goodies from fcuk. I got some glass cleaner spray, a pouch thingy, mini screwdriver (my fav though I can't seem to find it) and this Granny-style string.

I used the string and tied a pseudoknot (adjustable - brilliant eh?) behind my head. What with the large excessive mane I have, I simply tuck the knot between the bushes and voila! No more sliding glasses that looks granny-ish! I'm such a genius!! MUAHAHAH *crazy scientist laugh*

I promise (not!) to get Lucy Hale - like glasses for my next one. Weee... Till then my fellow readers - or the non-existent hallucinatory followers.


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