The tip of an iceberg phenomenon.

I found my lower set retainers. Of course you can't see them but yes, that's me - yesterday when I was attempting to study in KFC in the wee hours. It didn't work of course because I was so distraught over.. nothing.

Oh yea... take a good look at my specs. It's so old that I need to change it. It keeps sliding of my nose and goes askew even when I don't ask it to me. I can't look down without putting my fingers on the bridge of my nose, in fear of losing my specs altogether. You know how blind as a bat I am that once i lose it, I can't find it again because I literally CANNOT SEE!

I have a feeling I'm going to start writing fiction again. Immerse myself in those fantasy, those blissful times where there is nothing but my feelings and words, indulge in those guilty pleasure where no one can tell me otherwise. Times like this, I worry if I'm going nutters.

God, help me. I'm in need of a slap in the face. And I only allow you to do it to me. Not me, not Hermione, YOU.... (see what I did there potter fans? --- urgh u guys are hopeless!!)

I would like to think I have good humor and have comedic skills.

(when I reread this before posting, I realize I show signs of Mania - flight of ideas)

Till then,
Eli Smelly

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