
Wow, it has been awhile since I last blogged! I'm in this abyss right now that whatever I do doesn't really cause me satisfaction. I don't feel happy. I laugh with my friends, housemates and Edward but I think I'm a bit too emotional right now. I have a feeling it's got something to do with the fact that all the songs in my computer playlist SEMUA EMO!!

You know how your hormones are shit load jumbled up just before you get your menses (period) ? Well, I'm sort of going through that but the difference is, I just finished my menses 3 days ago. This isn't right. I have all these thoughts of negativity. These impulses to revert back to my 'emo' days. Exams stress? Why can't I just get a fever or something. Atleast, I won't have appetite for a few days and can lose some weight~! hah.

Okay, for those who are reading this, I think you're gonna find this entry extremely dissatisfying - not that the previous posts have been a gold mine either - and uber boring. First of all, I don't have this great flow in writing in English unlike all other bloggers. I wish I have. I'm rambling again.... Something is definitely wrong with me.

I have loads that's going in my mind that I actually can't think straight. I have this naggy feeling. Well, I know one is partly because I havent been studying as much as I should and I'm procrastinating again. I got 3 reports to finish and I'm only starting on just one. I really should have hired somebody to put me straight on the right path. I'm so immature.

I'm stuck. Despite the gazillion things I have in mind, I am unable to pen it down or rather, I can't type it down on this blog. I thought, initially, that this post is going to be kind of personal but I guess I will never have the guts to put anything that personal here. Not that anybody reads this piece of crap.

Okay, next post will be more cheerful I swear. I have done loads of fun things from Christmas till now. I think that requires a new entry. This is too depressing. I don't even know if I'm gonna post it. Heck what's so hard about it. Just click the fucking post button. Bodoh!!

Sorry peeps, I've been away for so long and the first post I write about is me thinking of how pathetic I am. Ungrateful little bitch. Get your life straighten out Elisha.

Till we meet again


2 Response to "Overdue"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    12:54 PM

    It's okay...to secretly want me. Please realise that it can never happen between us. You're like my evil twin, it'll be incest. It's disgusting.

    Hahahahaha. Go get some sun shine. Stop hiding in your miserable room.


  2. Miss Khalid says:
    4:43 PM

    Delusional bastard. It's amazing how you can flatter yourself with my thoughts of wanting you, something which you made up entirely in your VERY BIG HEAD! haha

    Hey, you had your time to be miserable and take me down with you. Lemme have my time now.