Morning in the PM.

I wish I have a Mac but truth be told I'm already quite happy with Adele. It's a beautiful shade of glossy red. Well, that picture there is my aim when I marry somebody. teehee. I dunno why. Not that I'm gonna get married anytime soon but it's such a couple-ish thing to do. When both are done with work, you snap the laptop shut, put it aside and make wild love! *giggles*
Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about. Almost everyday, i'm like this. Lying on a bed propped 90 degrees with a laptop typing or reading away. My book only occasionally picked up and read with little enthusiasm. Let me remind you, exams are a week away. I'm so screwed yet I'm not making any moves to buck up.

If you're an avid youtuber, you would find yourself glued to the screen watching really cool videos made by really cool people. Some of you may like stupid things done by stupid people. Some of you take it into a more academic course, watching talks, speeches, political bashings or debates. For me, being musically inclined and exposed at such a young age, I search for videos that inspire me through the music that they make. I think it's a subconscious need to live vicariously through these people since I chose the path of medicine. Today, upon opening my eyes at 3PM (slept at 8am today) I listened to this. The original singer was Nelly, you know the rapper, but this cover is absolutely breathtaking. The piano piece at the start.... very emotional.

So, if you ever love somebody put your hands up. *hands in the air*

Beautiful beautiful song.


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