
Oh I was supposed to post this up two days ago. Remember the deal about seeing everything positively and bring out the best in the worst possible moment?

It was awesome. We sat skimmed the cool sea water with our toes, took tonned of pictures and sat down at a table under the coconut tree while playing 'guess the song' game. You sing three consecutive lyrics and let us try to guess what song it is! Teehee.

We laugh and laugh and laugh! Not even a single second was about Medicine. What a way to balance things!!

And so, have you done something that will make you happy despite what ever crappy situation you're in? Go ahead. Try it and the smile will not fade for the rest of the day.

1 Response to "Forget"

  1. Izati says:
    5:09 PM

    i like the second picture. you take care sayang!