
On Friday, we practically had nothing after 12 so I went back at 1.30 after having waffles and ice creams with my friends. And can you believe that guy? He was still asleep. Edward. PFFTTT.. just because he didnt have anything the whole day.

Anyway, I finally had a day with him alone. lucky me, he felt like bringing me out. Makan then movies. YES!!! It was nice because i finally get to shed off those horrible work clothes and wear something nice. *sigh* We had dinner at Johny's Steamboat and watched two movies!!

The first one was at 7 (Yes, I sinned. Ganti ganti). Clash of the Titans. If you're really into action watch it. If not the storyline isn't so special. Same old same old. Guy born demi-God, guy fights Gods, Guy saves the world. *waves it away* Girls, Sam Worthington lives up to his name. Worth it. Yummilicious. No love story plot! That's the first.

The 2nd movie was........ *faints* ....... just freaking awesome!!! It was funny, it was clever, it was sad, frustrating, suspense, and did I say HILARIOUS? I dunno, to me it was. Such a cute little thing. Nice to hear America Ferrera's voice again. And Gerard Butler. Ah the Irish accent. So macho. But anyway, GO WATCH IT. IT'S BETTER THAT WHAT EVER THE FIRST MOVIE WAS JUST NOW. *phew*

So thank you my love for that wonderful evening. Not to mention Plants VS Zombie the whole weekend. I had a great weekend. Those silly talks. I'm gonna blog some more. Soon. But seriously, watch this : *scroll down*

3 Response to "Romance"

  1. Asma Says:
    7:25 PM

    Elisha, kau main Plants vs Zombies?

  2. Miss Khalid says:
    11:02 PM

    Aku tak main, Edward does. But I love watching. Aku tak suka kalah. HAHA Kau?

  3. $#@l says:
    11:54 PM

    i hope im nt the tiang lampu :-(