Eat Feet!

You know what's funny? The fact that I have company over and want to ignore the other company have totally backfired on me. The current company is well, having jetlag. And the other company is TOTALLY IGNORING ME! I know some might say Elisha perasan but OMG! IM NOT KIDDING!

The title is based on a dear cousin's quote. She said that she was so bored that she would eat her own feet. BAHAHA.

This is just a setback Elisha. The year is coming to an end and my life already feels fcuking over. This is not even PMS because I just went thru my menses.

I love blogs. Come read this blog.

Good one. But very new. Just found it off the net. I love the writings. Very errr storybook-ish.

Okay Im gonna go kill myself now. Too bored.

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