
I love fireflies. The way they light up, glow and make it look like the whole world is twinkling at night. I just smile at the fact that every cartoon that has fireflies in it makes it more magical. Almost like pixie dust in Tinkerbell Movie.

That's is : Fireflies = Magical

Anyway, there are a lot of things that makes me smile.

The song fireflies : because the tune and melody suits the whole magical feeling!

Yue Keng's laugh. If you think you've heard him laugh think again. If you wanna know what it's like, play Russell Peters and just sit back and watch him laugh his ass off. Oh yea, if he's with me, despite the joke or whatever, the harder he laughs, the harder he will hug me. And that rich funny, gay laugh is just the best.

Another thing that make me smile are sweet texts :

M ; you up?

E: Just got up! :D

M: haha, am I being nice to you?

E: Eh? What kinda question is that? Of course you are. haha

M: Just checking :D i wanna let you know that I really appreciate you being around.

E: As I appreciate you. But whats the catch? Do I need to buy you ice cream? ;)

M: No catch nothing. The end

Doesn't it just make you smile??? from ear to ear???

I just have to blog about this because Im afraid all the things that make me smile, I might lose it one day. So I guess if I wrote it down it will stay there forever etched in my heart.

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