Eli's Anatomy

No No! This isn't porn. *sighs* I haven't watched grey's anatomy in ages, so I kind of miss all the Mc's in those drama.

Most of you already know, I've finished my Phase l of Medical School and now I'm doing the clinical part in Seremban Hospital. Life is so hectic! It's full of classes and case presentations and ward rounds, hence the minor depression.

But today, I laughed so much with my friends in the wards that I was very happy! I laughed in class even and still learned a lot. I know that I would've seem rude back then in the wards but the happy balloon was swelling inside of me that I smiled all day long! HEEEEE**

One of my thyroid patients *identity not revealed to protect patient's confidentiality* was also very hyper and she kept me laughing too! She asked me:

"Kerja lama lama, habis belaja suda umur tiga puluh! Ish, macam mana nak cari abang?!"

I laughed so hard some patients were staring. *sorry sorry* Hahaha. Abang eh? I thought of McDreamy in Grey's Anatomy. So I looked around the wards. It would be impossible for Seremban Hospital to be full of handsome hunks and dudes. Aih.. Depressi lagi la.

Most of our jokes are dirty jokes anyway, so if there are no McSteamies or McDreamies how can we survive life in the hospital? I thought of Jeremy (this really cute Chinese Indian mix senior of mine) but then I have a feeling he knows how good he looks. *PASS!!*

But then, I saw THIS:
Doesn't he look dreamy to you........?

I've always had him that I took him for granted. Heee *smiles*


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