A changed life.

I made the decision to study medicine actively with my parents support. And little did i know that once you enter clinical school and the job of leading 21 students in one of the most hectic department. Internal Medicine. Everybody says its gonna be busy. But nobody told me is was going to be confusing. Nobody told me that, being a leader (being conveniently there), you have no time to stop and think what is going to happen and you can't day dream away your time at all. Well, of course i expected that our time is going to be jam packed but such a forceful drive of business is being loaded on our shoulders that it is throwing me back. Especially when im a leader right now. I should have swtiched to surgery to make myself more free. but as it is. this is that process of maturing and i have to take it with a stride. as of right now im stumbling like crazy because tomoro i have no idea where the briefing is and when. im gonna die. so this blog is just to tell myself that i chose this path and to stick with it. because if i cant i will consider myself as the loser. the failure. I feel terrible for not being able to inform the rest of the group posting members. so tomoro. by all means. i will drive there myself, with uk's car since i have none of my own, and go to the reception early, book a bloody room and wait for Dr Esha Gupta to come. Good thing she is known for her lack of punctuality. By i God i pray that she doesnt suddenly wake up in the morning and decide to be disciplined. I need time to figure this out. So just give me a minute, Damn it. Okay. Dah. nak balik tidur. bye.

sorry readers for not being able to update. I will try now and then. I can't broadcast my patients to you though. Some medical ethics stuff.

have a nice weekend.

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