Kisses fly from Penang to Seremban

No, Edward is here with me so it's not from him.

As I sit here in my warm room that i have gratefully acclimatize to, thinking of my waffles while my tummy growls in frustration, typing my report, waiting for my load of whites to be done in the machine and waiting every fifteen minutes anxiously for the horn in MouseHunt to appear on the screen so that I can click it and begin my hunt, I stop and wonder what my family member is doing. Mind you, dearest sister is complaining about the household that I was forced to think of them and found out that the whole jing-bang in is Penang with my cute little nieces. *pulls hair in frustration* You can all chip in and buy me a flight ticket to Penang!

And so, just like a masochist, to further torture myself, I asked for a picture of the adorable bundle of hyperactivity on sugar!

Isn't she wonderful? I love you Baby Az.
P/S: picture of Fiz was not necessary.

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