
I realize that life is so fragile you need to be careful when living it. For example, when talking to someone when you're in a bad mood, you might end up hurting this person. When you drive too fast and for a split second that you left your eyes off the road; you crash. When you're very happy on some occasions. All these things you can't turn back and relive it. You can try but nothing will be the same. You can't just go back in time and go through the same events to change the outcome or just to feel the feelings that you felt again. And when you're stuck in a bad situation, you can't just hide away from it. Atleast try and fix it, despite the failures to come. You can't refresh the page.

I don't even know why I'm writing this. It's all gibberish.

Everybody I'm following on blog has updated and my dear sister (JANGAN LA SEDIH WHEN I SAY WE DONT NEED YOU!!! NEED IS DIFFERENT THAT WANT. YOUR HAPPINESS IS THERE TOO.I JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY.) told me to update mine.

Blog #1: Updates on the Twilight Saga: New Moon movie. Had a cute picture of both taylor and robert kissing kristen. Robert looked like he was enjoying himself. Hahah.

Blog #2: Updated about being sad and how she needs intervention to make herself cheerful again. Don't worry. I'll try and intervene. haha

Blog #3: Saying good luck to fellow mates who are going into internship programs.

Blog #4: Talking about how friends will be missed when you heads home to Malaysia. Stepping back to reality.

All of these blogs are great but I think mine would be the greatest. Hahah. I tell you why in a few minutes.

First off, i went and see New Moon. Finally. after such a long wait. Review on the movie will be added later to save some time.
The curve decorates the best and maximally when it comes to season's festivities.

Second agenda of the day, a childhood friend had a birthday party. She is 21 and the brother is 12. Cool eh? they won't get that sort of figures till they are 23 and 32 or 34 and 43 or 45 or 54 and so on.... I like going there because of the cupcakes.
Dont you just love them?

And that at night...... the is the greatest updates of all! Elan and Eva is in town. Hah! beat that kids!
Gambar Vava takde. Dia busy main playdough. COMELKAN??

Okay more to come. Till then. BYE KIDS!


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