
Okay, now that finals are so near, i can't even comprehend the panic that's creating a chaos in my mind. Naturally, i turn to the internet to express this feeling or i use that excuse (any excuse for that matter) to use the internet. If you still hadn't known, I'm an aspiring doctor-to-be and I like to think that watching medical-related tv-shows or mangas can make me gain some knowledge. I feel less guilty in a way. But of course all of this is just a damn waste of time. Haha! But please boys and girls, let me introduce you to this wonderful not-so-young man who has invaded my mind and dreams for the past 12 hours. His name is Daniel Phillip Henney. An American of Korean descend. Please dear God! Such a beautiful masterpiece, the face. The personality I am yet to know but if our lives cross paths I'm willing to share it with you guys. FAT CHANCE!! Here is a picture:

Be ready to wipe the drool of your precious monitors. This is a warning!

MasyaAllah, Handsomenya!

Pardon me, I was googling for a perfect picture of him to present to you but I got carried away. *wipes tears* He is magnificently beautiful. If you're still wondering where you've seen him, He was agent Zero in X-men. Zero to Hero!!! YEAH!!! If any of you by chance is still wondering who the hell he is, just put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger already! Go watch Seducing Mr Perfect. As you guessed, he plays Mr Perfect. With the much-blessed internet, just go find out about him. The world wide web is amazing!!!!!!!!! *drools* Anyway, Mr Perfect here is also a model so watch out for him in any magazines. And to make my life better CBS came out with a new medical series replacing the dying ER show with Three Rivers. And guess who plays Dr David Lee? Yes my fellow readers. He does. *sigh* what a wonderful world. The show is only in it's first season and it's as far as 7-8 episodes. The plot is about organ transplant. Oh and I find it quite disappointing to know that some plot is similar to Grey's Anatomy. But who cares? Daniel BABY Henney is in it! He is definitely McSteamy! Okay, I shall cease talking about him for now. It'll only be pages and pages long before i finally feel like stopping.

Moving on, I found a dear friend's blogger and i have no idea how this person came about my blog but WELCOME!!! Dont trash the site!! and I'm impressed with your work! Great Job!

To Deanna, Jasmin, Fiza and etc. Please feel free to be free during January. I want to go on a vacation. Or just a huge Hang OUT!

To my dear KYS friends. Those who are coming home for Raya Haji/ Christmas/ New Year please contact me. I need to get scheduled. After i'm settled in a new house.<-------- That, we shall talk about in another entry. I'm tired just thinking about Baby Henney.

Till then. Kindly text me and call me when the need arise. Or simply 'cause you're bored. I'm willing to put a smile on your face or a happy swelling balloon in your chest. (No, not to give you gynaecomastia = Huge Boobs). Bye

1 Response to "Impression"

  1. metazi says:
    3:57 PM

    i was once ur loyal follower until u let ur blog covered with spider webs..:)