Nasi lemak.

I was so caught up in watching some of my tv shows while studying that i didn't realize it was already dawn. I slept close to 7am. I thought that i could wake up by noon at least. Little did i know i was going to wake up at 4PM!! Imagine how frustrated i was. I got up with my stomach grumbling. I quickly took a shower and got dressed. I was annoyed at how i wasted the day away. I was soangry with myself. Imagine the amount of studying i could've done if i were to have woken up at noon??? Argh! well it is all in the past now. I came down searching for food. Fuel for my body and brain so that i can study. I went to the kitchen and i found......

with prawn sambal
and breaded chicken
and spicy crunchy anchovies
and hard boiled eggs

Well, this made my day. Mama made it. She is the best. I don't care if there are better nasi lemak out there but i will always love what MY PARENTS made. It's full with love and thoughtfulness. I love you guys. *burp* excuses me..

1 Response to "Nasi lemak."

  1. Fiza-K says:
    5:39 AM

    argh!!! YOU LITTLE B!!